Monday, May 26, 2014


We finally got around to joining a CSA this year.  I've loved the idea for a while, but it definitely involves some pre-planning, a trait at which I do not excel. For those of you that don't know, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and it means you buy a share in some farmer's bounty but you have to pay the farmer way before harvest time.  You know, when they need the money to plant things, and fertilize the soil, and buy new boots or something.  Now for twenty-five weeks we'll receive a surprise mix of fresh local crops.  We picked up the first edition last Thursday. Behold.

Our food comes from the Lancaster Farm Fresh Cooperative (  They have a drop off at Sean's church which is our sole reason for choosing this particular CSA.  No research required but great recommendations from Sean's peeps.

I'm excited to play this personal version of Iron Chef (is that the cooking show with the secret ingredients?) for the next several months.

Fun fact: I've never cooked or even liked radishes before.  Probably because my only radish experiences are raw radishes in salads or on tiny fancy sandwiches.  My biggest challenge this week will be finding a yummy way to make these into a side dish this week.  A little internet research tells me I can roast or braise them, so I'll let you know how that goes.

The asparagus (SPARGELFEST!) is gone already, grilled and consumed with Monrovia Farm steak last Friday.  It was super delicious, but how could asparagus in May suck?

Anyone want to play CSA-along?  Like Iron Chef but less Bobby Flay and everyone wins?

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